So far, so close Festival

Learning by doing, peer-to-peer learning, multidisciplinarity and co-creation are at the core of the unique Open Design School, a pillar project of Matera 2019 (Italy), the inspiration of the DeuS project.

The Open Design School is a design laboratory using a peer-to-peer challenge based approach, where professionals of any discipline work together and share knowledge and expertise while designing, prototyping, testing and delivering design solutions.

The Open Design School methodology goes one step further than existing design thinking processes by applying real solutions to real problems, validated by real people: it transforms applied research in the real domain.

The challenge based learning approach has been developed at Open Design School since 2015 and has demonstrated it efficiency either in problem solving and in informal learnig: in the following pages, you can find an example of its application.

The Festival

The Festival was designed by the Foundation Matera-Basilicata 2019 as a response to the restrictions imposed on live events due to the lockdown. It was performed in Matera and remote areas of Basilicata region (Italy).
The Festival was an experiment aimed at performing live events in the time of COVID, observing the pandemic influence
on human relationships and codifying social behaviour influenced by safety restrictions.

Read the full document:

ODS challenge_SFSC_platform




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