DeusComp is a tailored training approach to support the Creative and Cultural professionals of today.

Entrepreneurial, digital and marketing competencies are intertwined with the fundamental soft skills needed to be productive such as: self-awareness, adaptability, emotional intelligence and how to network and communicate.

The DeuSComp training methodology breaks the traditional paradigm of ‘talk and chalk’ teaching in a classroom and is structured to facilitate multidisciplinary peer-to-peer team working, workshops, group critiques, and challenge-based approaches.

A mentoring and a tutorial-based approach has been identified as a useful tool to personalise the training allowing the educator to draw out the learner’s self-reflective observations on their own progress and relevance of training to practice and be a useful counterpoint to group activities.

DeuSComp covers a tailored mixture of the skills identified by the European competence frameworks: EntreComp, DigComp and LifeComp.


A challenge-based approach demonstrates the knowledge gained during each lesson but also sign-posts the relevance of learning by applying it to a professional and real-life context.

DeusComp learners are invited to respond to an externally-set DeuSComp macro challenge from which each micro lesson challenge stems.

The micro challenges are designed to provoke the learners to respond creatively within their teams to find solutions on outcomes that can be cultural, social or commercial.

This approach enables learners with a diverse portfolio of experience, expertise, values and motivations to fully participate.

The micro lessons are designed to be functional both as stand alone and together.


Not every Creative and Cultural professional today needs the same thing when it comes to assessment and qualification. Some learners (and employers) express an interest in feedback and assessment; and others reject the notion of formal assessment. Furthermore, some learners prefer a buffet-style approach to lessons as opposed to the whole training programme, or rather, the ‘set menu’.

The DeusComp training has developed 3 pathways that respond to the needs of every learner.


Prior to embarking on the DeuSComP training journey, understand your skills and areas that can be developed further.

The following tools are recommended by the DeuS team:


Online Entrepreneurial skills assessment tool by Erasmus+ project GrowINg

Self assessment tools with Erasmus+ project EntreAssess

See what is means to be enterprising with Get2 Test


Online self assessment tool with Erasmus+ project Digital Skill Accelerator

The Digital Competence Wheel by the Center for Digital Dannelse


Take Creative Soft Skills Circle from the Erasmus+ project Creative Soft Skills

DEUSCOMP training

DeuSComp Toolkit, designed for learners and educators, the starting point resource for the delivery of DeuSComp teaching and learning. It provides:
  • an overview of the course, its development and methodology;
  • an explanation of the training structure and objectives;
  • materials needed to deliver the training along with links to the online platform.