Implementing Art with Agriculture – OpenArt Farm Days

The project participant: Openfarm - Name of the project: Implementing Art with Agriculture – OpenArt Farm Days

The project participant: Openfarm

 Name of the project: Implementing Art with Agriculture – OpenArt Farm Days

What’s the heart of your project?

The open farm project is focused on creating a liaison between rural and urban communities. By organizing original activities around Greece, we have built a wide network of farms, schools, local communities, & big companies supporting our efforts. We aim to create stable bonds between diverse audiences by creating sustainable festive events that promote the implication between urban & rural/agricultural.

What’s something you’re really proud of achieving so far (with your project inside Collab 4 HySUST CCI)?

Our participation in Collab 4 HySust CCI has provided us with the motivation to formally experiment with yet another way of bringing people together: art! Driven by this inspiring goal, we successfully organized various artistic events, ranging from creative workshops for kindergarten children to large-scale concerts. Beyond achieving a clear expansion of our audience, we take pride in creating opportunities for more reserved and introverted individuals to participate and enjoy the countryside. This also allowed them to experience an authentic connection with farmers and rural life.

Where do you see your project heading next?

Our future goals concentrate on sustaining and expanding this promising first attempt to implement art with agriculture. To achieve that, we plan to multiply the engagement by exploiting the benefits of ”word-of-mouth” and healthy socializing. We will be hosting a weekend of art-related workshops/expositions, combined with an open discussion on future steps and a plan of action. This mini-“success story” builds a convincing curriculum to attract core personalities, public domains, and institutions to further support the effort.

Artistically speaking, we’re knitting single strings to a strong spider’s web.

What do you think is the most valuable thing that the Collab 4 HySUST CCI project has brought to you?

The Collab project has provided us with numerous tools to optimize our workflow and encourage us to think outside the box.

However, the most valuable asset it offered—one that perfectly aligns with our beliefs and attitude—is the opportunity to connect with new people. By gaining insights into their thoughts and actions, we have become wiser, more optimistic, and ultimately more confident that “where there’s a will, there’s a way” (we all know who said that ☺).

From your experience participating in the Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI project, what advice would you give to organizations similar to yours?

Start with clear goals – share ideas, explore your imagination. Create new roads if necessary –  exploit the old ones. Don’t be afraid of failure or a bad result – everything adds up to improvement. Organize your time & people – participating in larger projects like the Collab is extremely helpful. Be on the lookout for initiatives that will provide you with practical and theoretical tools to achieve your long term goals – step forward and ask for help, be proud of it.

Would you like to add something?

First of all we are grateful for having participated in the Collab project. It was a wonderful experience for us and a valuable tool asset for the work we have done so far as well as everything that we are looking forward to. It has been a wonderful exchange of ideas that broadened our perception and understanding, making us more rigid and effective.

We would like to thank all the people involved in this project and let everybody know that now that this circle is ending, another one is beginning! We will keep you posted for all our activities & you are all welcome to join us!

We’ll be happy to see you all soon!



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