the call is CLOSED

Through this call, the CulTourData project will support tourism SMEs by guiding them to make a better use of data, using creative customer-engaging approaches and new technologies

CulTourData call will offer € 7000 to:

Foster a triple-helix cooperation among tourism SMEs, data experts/organizations and artist/creative professionals

Support tourism SMEs through the promotion of up-skilling, capacity building and digitalization

Foster the implementation of technological and creative solutions in the field of data collection, analysis and visualisation

Foster networking at the European level by offering SMEs access to international collaboration platforms and networks

how to apply

To participate in the call, tourism SMEs must first join our extensive list.

To participate in the call, tourism SMEs must also choice at least 1 data expert/organization and 1 artist/creative professional from our extensive list.

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the tourism sector can apply to receive financial support (one lump sum with a value of 7.000 €). In particular:

  • Being a small – or medium-sized enterprise (SME), according to the definition in EU recommendation 2003/361
  • Having an economic activity related to the tourism sector
  • Being based in one of the following countries: Germany, Portugal and the Netherlands

Within the CulTourData call for lump sums, to be eligible tourism SMEs must fall under the following categories of tourism industries, in line with selected Eurostat classes:

  • I5510 – Hotels and similar accommodation;
  • I5520 – Holiday and other short-stay  accommodation;
  • I5530 – Camping grounds, recreational vehicle parks and trailer parks;
  • N79 – Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities.

Exclusion criteria:

Applicants will be excluded from the evaluation process if the present the following elements:

  • Receiving funds and support under the other COS-TOURINN projects (double funding is not allowed); 
  • Presenting the characteristics of a “company in difficulty”, as defined by the EU Regulation n.651/2014 of the European Commission;
  • Lack of administrative, technical, operational and financial capacity, necessary to implement the projects’ activities, as foreseen by art. 125 of the EU Regulation n. 1303/2013. 

The objectives will be:

  1. creation of 2 extensive lists of actors to be drawn from in order to work in synchrony according to the needs of each actor (one long list for innovators, data experts, creatives and artists + a second list for tourism operators who want to invest in the effective use of data and experiment with new prototypes and projects);
  2. launch of a call inviting actors on the extensive list to cooperate in order to propose projects and prototypes that can be financed with lump sums of 7,000€ each;
  3. promote, guide and monitor the matching between the actors involved to help them move from idea to prototype both using lump sums and finding other types of financing, including self-financing of the project.

Each partner will have a supporting role to facilitate the meeting/matching between actors and support partners in their activities.

So one of the requirements to participate in the call and to promote the match between actors is to subscribe to one of the extensive lists depending on whether you are:

apply to the call:
fill in the form and upload the documents

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The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

CultourisCapital is the commercial brand of the TRACES and CULTOURDATA projects, which has received a grant following the COS-TOURSYN-2018-3-01 and COS-TOURINN-2020-3-04